12 research outputs found

    Computational simulation of air flow supersonic nozzle with obstacle at exit

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    U ovom radu se razmatra uticaj sklopnih operacija na izolacione karakteristike vakuumskih sklopnih elemenata. Razmatraju se sledeće sklopne operacije: uklop bez struje – isklop bez struje, uklop bez struje - uklop sa nominalnom strujom, uklop bez struje - isklop sa strujom kratkog spoja. Pri tome se ovaj uticaj ispituje na slučajne veličine ac probojni napon, impulsni probojni napon i na pretprobojne parametre V-4,V-5 i V-6 (dc naponi pri kojima je pretprobojna struja 10-4 A, 10-5 A i 10-6 A). Dobijeni efekti promene karakteristika nakon sklopnih operacija se porede sa odgovarajućim rezultatima dobijenim sa istim skopnim elementima kondicioniranih kontakata. Tako dobijeni rezultati se tumače preko mehanizma elektičnog pražnjenja u vakuumu. Osnovni rezultat, a ujedno i cilj rada, je ispitivanje relacija korelacije i regresije između eksperimentalno dobijenim statističkim uzorcima slučajne veličine ac i impulsni probojni napon i njima odgovarajućih statističkih uzoraka slučajnih veličina predprobojnih parametara V-4,V-5 i V-6. Ispitivanje se vrši na komercijalnim vakuumskim sklopnim elementima sa CuCr i CuBi kontaktima.This work considers the influence of switching operations on the insulating characteristics of vacuum circuit breakers. The following operations, all with circuit-making without current, have been taken into account: circuit-breaking without current, circuit-breaking with nominal current and circuit-breaking with short-circuit current. The influence of switching operations is examined for the random variables breakdown voltage (ac and pulse) and the prebreakdown parameters V-4, V-5, and V-6. Parameters V-4, V-5, and V-6 represent the dc voltage at which the pre-breakdown current takes values of 10-4, 10-5, and 10-6 A, respectively. Switching element characteristics after the switching operations are compared with the corresponding results obtained for switching element with conditioned contacts. Obtained results are analyzed through mechanisms of electrical discharges in vacuum. The main result is an examination of the correlation and regression between the experimentally obtained breakdown voltage (ac and pulse) random variable and its corresponding pre-breakdown parameters V-4, V-5, and V-6, respectively. Statistical samples created by using this method do not require the repetition of switching operations and therefore the dielectric strength of the vacuum insulation is kept in its initial state. The examination is carried out on commercial vacuum switching elements with CuCr and CuBi contacts

    Optimal airfoil design and wing analysis for solar-powered high altitude platform station

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    The ability of flying continuously over prolonged periods of time has become target of numerous research studies performed in recent years in both the fields of civil aviation and unmanned drones. High altitude platform stations are aircrafts that can operate for an extended period of time at altitudes 17 km above sea level and higher. The aim of this paper is to design and optimize a wing for such platforms and computationally investigate its aerodynamic performance. For that purpose, two-objective genetic algorithm, class shape transformation and panel method were combined and used to define different airfoils with the highest lift-to-drag ratio and maximal lift coefficient. Once the most suitable airfoil was chosen, polyhedral half-wing was modeled and its aerodynamic performances were estimated using the CFD approach. Flow simulations of transitional flow at various angles-of-attack were realized in ANSYS FLUENT and various quantitative and qualitative results are presented, such as aerodynamic coefficient curves and flow visualizations. In the end, daily mission of the aircraft is simulated and its energy requirement is estimated. In order to be able to cruise above Serbia in July, an aircraft weighing 150 kg must accumulate 17 kWh of solar energy per day

    Biodiesel production from camelina oil: Present status and future perspectives

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    Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz is an oilseed crop with favorable potentials for biodiesel production, such as the high plant yield, high oil content in the seed, high net energy ratio, and low oil production cost. This review paper deals with the present state and perspectives of biodiesel production from camelina oil. First, important issues of camelina seed pretreatment and biodiesel production are reviewed. Emphasis is given to different biodiesel technologies that have been used so far worldwide, the economic assessment of the camelina oil biodiesel (COB) production, the camelina-based biorefineries for the integrated biodiesel production, the COB life cycle analysis, and impact human health and ecosystem. Finally, the perspectives of COB production from the techno-economic and especially genetic engineering points of view are discussed

    Computational simulation of air flow supersonic nozzle with obstacle at exit

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    U ovom radu se razmatra uticaj sklopnih operacija na izolacione karakteristike vakuumskih sklopnih elemenata. Razmatraju se sledeće sklopne operacije: uklop bez struje – isklop bez struje, uklop bez struje - uklop sa nominalnom strujom, uklop bez struje - isklop sa strujom kratkog spoja. Pri tome se ovaj uticaj ispituje na slučajne veličine ac probojni napon, impulsni probojni napon i na pretprobojne parametre V-4,V-5 i V-6 (dc naponi pri kojima je pretprobojna struja 10-4 A, 10-5 A i 10-6 A). Dobijeni efekti promene karakteristika nakon sklopnih operacija se porede sa odgovarajućim rezultatima dobijenim sa istim skopnim elementima kondicioniranih kontakata. Tako dobijeni rezultati se tumače preko mehanizma elektičnog pražnjenja u vakuumu. Osnovni rezultat, a ujedno i cilj rada, je ispitivanje relacija korelacije i regresije između eksperimentalno dobijenim statističkim uzorcima slučajne veličine ac i impulsni probojni napon i njima odgovarajućih statističkih uzoraka slučajnih veličina predprobojnih parametara V-4,V-5 i V-6. Ispitivanje se vrši na komercijalnim vakuumskim sklopnim elementima sa CuCr i CuBi kontaktima.This work considers the influence of switching operations on the insulating characteristics of vacuum circuit breakers. The following operations, all with circuit-making without current, have been taken into account: circuit-breaking without current, circuit-breaking with nominal current and circuit-breaking with short-circuit current. The influence of switching operations is examined for the random variables breakdown voltage (ac and pulse) and the prebreakdown parameters V-4, V-5, and V-6. Parameters V-4, V-5, and V-6 represent the dc voltage at which the pre-breakdown current takes values of 10-4, 10-5, and 10-6 A, respectively. Switching element characteristics after the switching operations are compared with the corresponding results obtained for switching element with conditioned contacts. Obtained results are analyzed through mechanisms of electrical discharges in vacuum. The main result is an examination of the correlation and regression between the experimentally obtained breakdown voltage (ac and pulse) random variable and its corresponding pre-breakdown parameters V-4, V-5, and V-6, respectively. Statistical samples created by using this method do not require the repetition of switching operations and therefore the dielectric strength of the vacuum insulation is kept in its initial state. The examination is carried out on commercial vacuum switching elements with CuCr and CuBi contacts

    Computational simulation of air flow supersonic nozzle with obstacle at exit

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    U ovom radu se razmatra uticaj sklopnih operacija na izolacione karakteristike vakuumskih sklopnih elemenata. Razmatraju se sledeće sklopne operacije: uklop bez struje – isklop bez struje, uklop bez struje - uklop sa nominalnom strujom, uklop bez struje - isklop sa strujom kratkog spoja. Pri tome se ovaj uticaj ispituje na slučajne veličine ac probojni napon, impulsni probojni napon i na pretprobojne parametre V-4,V-5 i V-6 (dc naponi pri kojima je pretprobojna struja 10-4 A, 10-5 A i 10-6 A). Dobijeni efekti promene karakteristika nakon sklopnih operacija se porede sa odgovarajućim rezultatima dobijenim sa istim skopnim elementima kondicioniranih kontakata. Tako dobijeni rezultati se tumače preko mehanizma elektičnog pražnjenja u vakuumu. Osnovni rezultat, a ujedno i cilj rada, je ispitivanje relacija korelacije i regresije između eksperimentalno dobijenim statističkim uzorcima slučajne veličine ac i impulsni probojni napon i njima odgovarajućih statističkih uzoraka slučajnih veličina predprobojnih parametara V-4,V-5 i V-6. Ispitivanje se vrši na komercijalnim vakuumskim sklopnim elementima sa CuCr i CuBi kontaktima.This work considers the influence of switching operations on the insulating characteristics of vacuum circuit breakers. The following operations, all with circuit-making without current, have been taken into account: circuit-breaking without current, circuit-breaking with nominal current and circuit-breaking with short-circuit current. The influence of switching operations is examined for the random variables breakdown voltage (ac and pulse) and the prebreakdown parameters V-4, V-5, and V-6. Parameters V-4, V-5, and V-6 represent the dc voltage at which the pre-breakdown current takes values of 10-4, 10-5, and 10-6 A, respectively. Switching element characteristics after the switching operations are compared with the corresponding results obtained for switching element with conditioned contacts. Obtained results are analyzed through mechanisms of electrical discharges in vacuum. The main result is an examination of the correlation and regression between the experimentally obtained breakdown voltage (ac and pulse) random variable and its corresponding pre-breakdown parameters V-4, V-5, and V-6, respectively. Statistical samples created by using this method do not require the repetition of switching operations and therefore the dielectric strength of the vacuum insulation is kept in its initial state. The examination is carried out on commercial vacuum switching elements with CuCr and CuBi contacts

    The Influence of Sintering Parameters and Subsequent Thermal Treatment on U-I Characteristics and Degradation of ZnO Varistors

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    The fabrication of varistor ceramics, characterized by stable electrical properties, was considered on the basis of sintering parameters and subsequent thermal treatment. The process of accelerated degradation of electrical characteristics in severe conditions was analysed. The measured K–J curves were used for the determination of electric parameters. The comparative analysis of these results and electronic paramagnetic resonance data1 was the basis of the conclusions concerning the formation of potential barrier, its improvement and subsequent degradation at the grain boundary

    Initial development of the hybrid semielliptical-dolphin airfoil

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    Iosif Taposu has formulated a mathematical model and generated a family of airfoils whose geometry resembles the dolphin shape. These airfoils are characterized by a sharp leading edge and experiments have proven that they can achieve better aerodynamic characteristics at very high angles of attack than certain classical airfoils, with the nose geometry inclined downwards. On the other hand, they have not been applied to any commercial general aviation aircraft. The authors of this paper have been motivated to compare the aerodynamic characteristics of widely used NACA 2415 airfoil with Taposu’s Dolphin that would have the same principal geometric characteristics. A CFD calculation model has been established and applied on NACA 2415. The results were compared with NACA experiments and very good agreements have been achieved in the major domains of lift and polar curves. The same CFD model has been applied on the counterpart Dolphin 2415. Results have shown that the Dolphin has a slightly higher lift/drag ratio in the lift coefficient domain 0.1-0.35 than NACA. On the other hand, at higher and lower lift coefficients, its aerodynamic characteristics were drastically below those of the NACA section, due to the unfavorable influence of the Dolphin’s sharp nose. A series of the Dolphin’s leading edge modifications has been investigated, gradually improving its aerodynamics. Finally, version M4, consisting of about 70% of Dolphin’s original rear domain and 30% of the new nose shape, managed to exceed the NACA’s characteristics, thus paving the way to investigate the Dolphin hybrids that could be suitable for the general aviation industry

    Olanzapine-high potency antipsychotic drug inducing significant weight gain: A case report

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    INTRODUCTION Olanzapine is a second generation antipsychotic (SGA) with a high level of therapeutic effectiveness in schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders. Along with the positive therapeutic effects, an increase of the body weight frequently occurs. According to the literature, the average weight gain is about 6-7 kg during several months of treatment. This could be valued as a moderate weight increase. CASE OUTLINE This article presents a case of a young female with schizophrenia, without clinical improvement with several antipsychotics (clozapine, risperidone, haloperidol) and with the occurrence of significant neurological side effects. The treatment started with olanzapine (baseline) was associated with good initial response (PANSS reduction 20% in the first two weeks) and the improvement was maintained further on (PANSS reduction 50% after 16 weeks). Significant increase (20 kg, 40%) in weight appeared during the following 16 weeks (BMI at baseline 17.9 kg/m2; BMI 16 weeks later 25.1 kg/m2). CONCLUSION High effectiveness of olanzapine in schizophrenia symptoms reduction was accompanied by a significant weight gain. However, this drug leads to impaired glucoregulation, dyslipidaemia etc. It also increases the risk of diabetes and cardio-vascular diseases, i.e. the main causes of mortality in schizophrenia after a suicide. Therefore, clinicians are suggested to focus on possible predictors of weight gain during olanzapine therapy, and act accordingly in order to prevent serious health consequences

    Optimal airfoil design and wing analysis for solar-powered high altitude platform station

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    The ability of flying continuously over prolonged periods of time has become target of numerous research studies performed in recent years in both the fields of civil aviation and unmanned drones. High altitude platform stations are aircrafts that can operate for an extended period of time at altitudes 17 km above sea level and higher. The aim of this paper is to design and optimize a wing for such platforms and computationally investigate its aerodynamic performance. For that purpose, two-objective genetic algorithm, class shape transformation and panel method were combined and used to define different airfoils with the highest lift-to-drag ratio and maximal lift coefficient. Once the most suitable airfoil was chosen, polyhedral half-wing was modeled and its aerodynamic performances were estimated using the CFD approach. Flow simulations of transitional flow at various angles-of-attack were realized in ANSYS FLUENT and various quantitative and qualitative results are presented, such as aerodynamic coefficient curves and flow visualizations. In the end, daily mission of the aircraft is simulated and its energy requirement is estimated. In order to be able to cruise above Serbia in July, an aircraft weighing 150 kg must accumulate 17 kWh of solar energy per day